Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Back from Break!

Welcome back to school. I am happy the weather has been mild, and we were all able to return to the classroom safe and sound! We have been very busy since school resumed!

I introduced our January book report assignment. We are focusing on biographies this month. Each student should pick a biography or autobiography of their choice to read this month. Book choices are due Tuesday January 12th. Students should pick a book which they can complete reading by January 26th. Projects are due February 2nd. All students have project descriptions in their homework notebooks. Basically, students are required to create a presidential campaign poster. This does NOT mean students must choose a former president as a topic. Among other things, campaign posters should include a picture, three adjectives describing their person, and at least 4 paragraphs describing why this person would make a good presidential candidate. Be creative, and have fun! :-)

We have been doing a lot of writing this week. Students are completing a practice work sample as we gear up for the statewide writing assessment in February. We also completed winter poems this week. They are very creative!

We are beginning to talk about math work samples as well. Today we reviewed our problem solving strategies. Students will complete a practice work sample this week. This is also the week to memorize times eight! Students will be assessed tomorrow on their competency in this area. As always, students should be practicing at least 5 minutes per evening. Beginning Wednesday we will move our focus to nines.

Students completed winter silhouettes to match their poetry. Our wall is covered in foil silhouettes. A huge thanks to Tom for helping students complete their poems.

Today winter projects started. Mrs. Carr & Ms. DuBois are doing a joint project. We are organizing the first annual Camas Ridge States Parade. All students will study a state, create a float, and participate in a parade to conclude the project. We are very excited to learn about the Nifty Fifty United States!

We are going to be exploring micro-worlds!

Native cultures of the United States will be the focus during our second trimester.

I hope this gives you a better idea of what is happening at school! Have a wonderful week,

~Ms. D.

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