Monday, September 12, 2016

Classroom News September 12, 2016

Dear Parents,

We are off to a great start this week.  I have some new photographs up on the blog of our geode splitting adventure.  Be sure to take a look by clicking the science tab.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our PE day. Please send your child with appropriate footwear.  PE is always an exciting day for students!

Today was an thrilling day in 2nd grade. Every child received a new book bag to keep in class. We discussed how to pick a ‘good fit’ book for independent reading. Tomorrow we will fill our new book bags with books to read in class. Children are encouraged to choose books they know the Purpose for reading, books they are Interested in, books they can Comprehend, and books in which they Know most of the words.  It is important a book isn’t too hard or too easy. It needs to fit just right!  You can use this language at home as well when you are out selecting books from the bookstore or library.

Many children are asking about homework.  In second grade I send home homework on Friday.  ALL homework is optional except reading.  I will send home a reading log due the following Friday.  I will send home two or three math sheets. One will be second grade level, one is a challenge story problem, and the final sheet is a third grade challenge sheet.  Normally math causes the most difficulty at home.  If this is the case please SKIP IT and spend the time doing something fun such as cooking using recipes (fractions), measuring things including your child, practicing with an analog clock telling time, or counting money when appropriate.  Also, I will send home second grade spelling words and challenge words. If this is important to you, you can test your child at home.  If not skip it.  Children learn spelling through writing and we will be doing a lot of writing at school!  I never want to send a message to a child they are awful spellers because they fail the weekly test.  I will talk more about my homework philosophy at curriculum night September 28th. 

Finally, I will send home the rock collection assignment on Friday.  I find ‘project type’ homework dealing with motivating topics, families can enjoy together, work well at this age and do not cause family stress.  If you have any egg cartons at home please send them to school this week!

Last but not least, we have snack at school each day.  If you can contribute to our class snack, helping children who do not bring a snack, all donations are appreciated. Don’t forget, NUT FREE only. 

Have a wonderful week,

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